
FEMALE Leadership Academy


➡️  Step into your power and improve from “within” instead of just learning a bunch of new skills
➡️  Stand out from the crowd and lead with natural charisma and authenticity
➡️  Benefit from the same advanced coaching techniques that the most highly paid business people use in their personal coaching 

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becoming a charismatic leader

Do you want to be respected for the person you are and be able to stand up for yourself? Do you want to be appreciated for your competencies and be paid adequately or even generously? 


Do you want your team to follow you with enthusiasm and conviction because they admire you as a leader? Do you want to manage the balancing act between work and private life without feeling torn apart?

I created this academy to encourage women to express their authentic leadership style by feeling strong and authentic from within without adapting to the patterns of a male-dominated business world.

This may sound simple, but I have seen many women leaving parts of their true selves at the doorstep to work because somehow we feel that we have to adapt to the patterns of a male-dominated business world. The thing is when we act like someone we are not we risk losing the respect of others and we prevent ourselves from reaching our full potential.

Investing in your true self by developing your own powerful leadership style is the ultimate recipe for sustainable success AND happiness. Why? Because it enables you to inspire and communicate with charisma, to build credibility and trust and last not least to feel good in whatever you are doing.

In this academy, I tackle this subject in tight collaboration with you in a new way. Together we clarify and reinforce the part of you responsible for leadership, within your inner self. You will recognize and dispel internal blockages and obstacles and mobilize and align your individual resources. 

And this releases power you have not even been dreaming of! Get in touch and let’s have a chat about this!

An exclusive 6-months training and mentoring program

Total one time cost: EUR 9’997

this adademy is for you if ...

How can I participate?

I have a limited number of places for the Female Leadership Academy because it’s key for me to give you adequate attention and time.

I therefore would like you to send me the application form if you are interested in participating. Filling out this form does not commit you in any way to participate. It is the first step to find out together whether the Female Leadership Academy is the right tool for you to raise your profile as a leader.

Once filled out, I will contact you to have a discussion about your expectations. During this Zoom call I will answer all your questions and you will get a concrete picture of the benefit of this program for you personally.


Fill out the application and talk to ulrike

The application does not commit you to anything. I will contact you then for a call where I will answer all your questions regarding this important decision for your future. 

Application Form


    Work Experience

    Who your are and what you want

    As a leader...

    Filling out this form does not commit you in any way to participate.