Frequently Asked Questions
Questions and Answers around the online training courses
How can I access the e-course?
As soon as you have purchased the e-course you can access it by following these 6 steps:
- Open the website
- Click on the orange Login button in the top menu of the page
- Enter the Email address you have used during the purchasing process and enter a Password of your choice
- Click on Log In
- Once logged in click on ‘My Courses’ in the top menu (do NOT go to Online Courses as this is just an overview page, not the e-course itself)
- Scroll down on your profile page and click on your e-course and you will be directed right away to your full online training course!
I can only find the first module of the e-course. Where do I find the rest?
You have probably gone to the page “Online Courses”. However, this is just a descriptive page of the e-course not the e-course itself.
- You can access your e-course(s) as soon as you have logged into your account with your Email and a password of your choice. Once logged in click on ‘My Courses’ in the top menu (do NOT go to Online Courses as this is just an overview page, not the e-course itself)
- Scroll down on your profile page and click on your e-course and you will be directed right away to your full online training course!
What will I find under “My Courses”?
The “My Courses” page lists up the e-courses you signed up for. By clicking on the respective e-course you can access the whole course including your training material and information about your progress. What else is there:
- Permanent and unlimited access to all modules of the e-course. You can repeat exercises and lessons any time.
- You will benefit from updated versions of the e-course automatically and free of charge.
- You will find an introduction video to make sure that you get the most out of your e-course.
- In addition to the e-course modules you receive one daily mental workout meditation, which you can find in the materials tab of the e-course
- You will receive the pdf of your workbook(s) of the e-course in the materials tabs of the individual modules
- Every module come with concrete information about timing, space and what else to prepare to make sure you have a smooth experience.
How long is my e-course available?
What methodology is used in this e-course?
In this course you will go beyond meditation techniques and discover highly efficient yet simple body-mind processes that are based on a certified methodology developed in Switzerland to access the subconscious world of your emotions, beliefs, and inner triggers.
You will access deeply rooted unconscious patterns by doing a number of in-depth exercises. We call these exercises “introspections” as you will literally look deeper into your inner self and activate important resources or remove blockages and negative beliefs. In some of the introspections you will experience a constellation of elements of your inner self.
These processes are the most complex but also the most powerful ones.
The methodology is systemic and value-oriented. It leads to the formation of new skills so that further development takes place from within (without the person having to ask him/herself: “What have I learned during the coaching and what should I do now?”).
Unlike other coaching methods, this approach requires no preparation of the participants because the possible solutions are developed exclusively by them during the sessions.
This approach of acting from within the person ensures the sustainability of the coaching effect. Participants access conscious and subconscious elements of their self through powerful tools and deep self-discovery exercises.
They develop a concrete plan on how to apply what they have learned during the coaching. The method connects participants to existing resources and activates new skills to free up additional resources.
The content of coaching and training is partly inspired by the St. Galler Coaching Model (SCM)®, which considers coaching as an aid to sustainable development and the expansion of human values and objectives.
How do I get most out of the e-course?
The most important factor when it comes to the efficiency of the course is YOU. Internally commit to opening up for this very special experience. If you are ready to dig deeper into yourself, your subconscious will give you all the information you need and you will have a series of unexpected insights that will open doors for new exciting possibilities.
Before starting with your individual modules please make sure you have the time you need to watch the whole length of the video and add on around 15 minutes as you might want to pause the video to reflect on specific questions.
Please make sure that no one disturbs you during the whole length of each module as interrupting a process in the middle significantly diminishes its effectiveness.
For some modules you need to be in a room where you can make several steps into on direction. So please remove furniture for the time of the exercise accordingly before starting the module.
You will find a list of materials and space requirements on each module page. Please prepare these accordingly.
Download and/or print the workbook of this e-course and fill it out module by module to record your findings. You will need them in the last module!
Sometimes you will see a ‘Pause the video’ on screen. Please follow these instructions to get most out of your course when they appear. I also encourage you to pause the video at any other time where you feel the need to do so.
Speak out loud and write down your findings. Hearing and writing them reinforces the process of becoming aware of it and opens the door further up to a promising future
Give yourself a bit of time to digest your learnings after each module. I recommend at least one night to sleep over it, or leave several days in between. However, keep a certain pace so that you benefit from the momentum you will have created once you have started the course.
Can I do the e-course modules several times?
Technically, you can do them as often as you want. Psychologically, we suggest you to do it once by being fully committed and then you observe what is changing regarding your feelings about yourself, others and life as such. Use the time after having done a module to further embed your insights by encouraging yourself to see and acknowledge positive change.
After a certain time, you might feel the need to do the one or the other exercise again – either in the same context as for the first time or by using a different scenario or situation. This fully depends on you and on how you feel about it. We suggest you to follow your intuition and repeat a module when you feel the wish to do so.
How quickly should I do the e-course?
Give yourself a bit of time to digest your learnings after each module. We recommend at least one night to sleep over it, or leave several days in between. However, keep a certain pace so that you benefit from the momentum you will have created once you have started the course.
Anything in between 10 and 50 days to do the full course is an appropriate time span.
Do I have to respect the order of the e-course modules?
Do I have to do the exercises exactly as described in the e-course to get results?
Yes, this is very important. When it comes to the exercises you need to fully participate to get the desired results. Fully participating means: Committing internally to opening up, being ready to listen to yourself, using your body by standing or making a few steps when you get the instruction to do so, and using all the materials that are proposed (paper, workbook etc.). Also see the question “How do I get most out of the e-course?”
What if I have strong emotions during or after the e-course?
If you have strong emotions during or after the course – congratulations! This is what this course is about! Having emotions, including those which we perceive as negative, is a great indicator that something is in motion. Let these emotions happen, accept them as they are, cry if you want to cry, laugh if you want to laugh. Anything you say or shout out loud reinforces your awareness of it and opens the door to a promising outlook.
But don’t worry: Each module ends with a positive and relaxed note. So just let it happen!
Some modules are shorter than others. Are they less important?
Depending on the course you have chosen the length of the individual modules varies from a bit less than 30 minutes to far over one hour. This is due to the type of process used in the module and has nothing to do with its effectiveness. Please make sure that you always take the time to do one module in one go as interrupting it would significantly diminish its effectiveness.
How do I use the daily mental workout?
The daily mental workout is a 30-minutes meditation that is tailor-made to reinforce the learnings and insights that you will gain during the course. You can use it in between the modules and it becomes particularly interesting to stick to it once you have finished the course. Listening to these relaxing 30 minutes can help you wind down after a busy day to focus again on what you’ll have learned and maintains the energy inside of you to continue on your new path.
How can I pay the e-course?
We use a secure payment gateway and you can pay the e-course by credit card and PayPal.
How can I claim money back if I am not satisfied?
Your purchase is risk-free. If anything does not meet your expectations – no problem. Just send us an E-Mail to within 7 days after purchasing and you get your money refunded. This is a very fair proposal from our side. In return, we would love you to be fair as well and to sincerely try at least 3 or 4 modules before claiming money back. Long-lasting inner change needs effort and it will not happen without an active participation from your side.