I cordially welcome you to your Self-Confidence e-course and congratulate you for having taken this important decision!
In the chapters of this e-course, you will learn how to develop confidence, courage and unshakeable determination in every area of your life. At the end of this course, you will be convinced that you can achieve everything because the only limits are the ones that YOU allow to be in your life. Even if you can’t imagine it yet:
You have extraordinary potential for success, achievement and prosperity.
In this course, you will discover highly efficient body-mind processes that are based on a certified methodology developed in Switzerland to access the subconscious world of your emotions, beliefs, and inner triggers.
Any action you take is provoked by emotion. And the sum of your actions ultimately shapes your life. Self-confidence, or the lack of it, is an emotion that has a major impact on your capability to step out of your comfort zone. It is decisive to enable you to live what you truly want to live, and the lack of it will push you to give up or not even try what you’d love to do.
You will determine your most important inner driver of self-confidence and its underlying positive and negative aspects. By building on this inner driver, module by module, you will strengthen its power and
positive aspects and you will learn to get to know and deal with the more challenging aspects of it.
You will discover 3 levels of complexity throughout the course:
LEVEL 1 … is similar to meditation or online hypnosis. During these exercises, you will sit on a chair and listen to my voice your eyes closed.
LEVEL 2 … is more complex: Here you will stand and you will mentally AND physically navigate between anchors that you will put in the form of paper sheets on the ground. These paper anchors represent parts of your inner world, such as feelings, beliefs, or your proper ego. Standing and making one or two steps from time to time will enable you to change your perspective and discover inner truths you were not aware of before.
LEVEL 3 … is the most complex level and I use it only for few processes during the e-course: The process works like a role play where you will take on different roles. You will switch mentally AND physically between being yourself, and between “being” specific elements of your inner self. If you have never done something like this, this will be a surprising experience. I recommend you to potentially preview modules marked with level 3 before actually doing them to understand what will happen with you.
Let yourself be surprised by these amazing tools that bring your deepest personal truths to the surface. Truths you have not been aware of so far.
BEFORE starting with your individual modules:
- Make sure that you have the time you need to participate during the whole length of the video and add on around 15 minutes as you might want to pause the video to reflect on specific questions. The length of the individual modules varies from less than 30 minutes to far over one hour. This is due to the type of process used in the module and has nothing to do with its effectiveness.
- Make sure that no one disturbs you during the duration of each module
- For level 2 and 3 modules you need to be in a room where you can make several steps into one direction. So please remove furniture for the time of the exercise accordingly.
- You will find a list of materials on each module page. Please prepare these accordingly.
- Download and/or print the workbook of this eCourse and fill it out module by module to record your findings. You will need them in the last module!
One last thing before you start: Please internally commit NOW to opening up for this very special experience. If you are ready to dig deeper into yourself, your subconscious will give you all the information you need.
So, that’s what you need to know before starting your very unique journey. I see you in your first module
Your daily mental workout
Increase the effectiveness of this course by listening regularly, or even daily, to this guided meditation.
Just as your body can learn new movements through practice, you can also train your brain for new thought processes and thus further embed what you learn in this course.
Make yourself comfortable on a chair, make sure you are not disturbed and listen to this 27-minutes audio track: